
Jason Victor Serinus - April 27, 2013

Opera Parallèle’s Trouble in Tahiti is brought to life by an excellent cast and fine instrumental ensemble, and shines as the engaging, moving, and oft-delightful romp that Bernstein intended.

Jason Victor Serinus - April 26, 2013

Virtually a year after releasing their delicious recording, Los Pájaros Perdidos, Christina Pluhar and her early music ensemble, L’Arpeggiata, journey to the Mediterranean.

Edward Ortiz - April 25, 2013

Mark Adamo explores the unusual pairing of baritone with string quartet, achieving handsome (and Hampson) results.

Niels Swinkels - April 25, 2013

After decades of superb performances, the Tokyo String Quartet rings down the curtain, in its farewell San Francisco concert.

Janice Berman - April 24, 2013

The return of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater for its second engagement at Zellerbach Hall since Robert Battle took over the artistic directorship is, to judge from Tuesday’s opening, a rip-roaring audience success.

Jonathan Rhodes Lee - April 23, 2013

That consummate pianist András Schiff enraptures a capacity crowd with his mastery of his instrument, playing Bach’s “English” Suites.

Jason Victor Serinus - April 22, 2013

After two widely touted triumphs at the Bavarian State Opera, the gifted ball of smiling Irish energy known as mezzo-soprano Tara Erraught performs at Weill Hall in the Green Music Center.

David Bratman - April 21, 2013

The Cypress String Quartet “Call and Response” has come full circle, commissioning new works for long enough that is has come around to composer Jennifer Higdon for the second time.

Be'eri Moalem - April 20, 2013

A fascinating moment in the Ives String Quartet’s concert is the last movement of Lou Harrison’s Quartet Set Usul; a case-study in string literature monophony.

Janice Berman - April 20, 2013

Alonzo King Lines Ballet throws itself an elegant, if late, 30th-anniversary celebration, with a work in collaboration with virtuoso Edgar Meyer central to the occasion.