
Jonathan Rhodes Lee - May 16, 2013

John Eliot Gardiner’s 28th CD in a series of Bach cantatas is a must-have recording, for its superb music-making as well as its detailed essays.

Ken Iisaka - May 14, 2013

Pianist Garrick Ohlsson’s remarkable versatility in both classical and Romantic repertoire gets fine hearings around the Bay Area.

Steve Osborn - May 13, 2013

The Santa Rosa Symphony, with guest pianist Olga Kern, parade Russian classics in a resounding season-capper.

Jeff Dunn - May 13, 2013

Using a program trend of multimediazation Pamela Freund-Striplen and the Gold Coast Chamber Players commanded attention of patrons with seven revelatory treats for the ears and eyes.

Georgia Rowe - May 13, 2013

The San Francisco Symphony’s Beethoven Project reached a radiant high point over the weekend, as Music Director Michael Tilson Thomas returned to the composer’s Missa Solemnis.

Jason Victor Serinus - May 10, 2013

So unerring in the selections on Rodgers & Hammerstein At the Movies, the John Wilson Orchestra’s new disc, you will likely enjoy yourself immensely and maybe even swoon.

Niels Swinkels - May 7, 2013

Santos, the new oratorio by Gabriela Lena Frank for the San Francisco Girls Chorus and the Berkeley Symphony, shows a composer reaching the height of her considerable powers.

Steven Winn - May 6, 2013

The Marin Symphony, with pianist Joyce Yang, provides an illuminating session of compare-and-contrast of Debussy’s La Mer, along with some delicious Ravel.

Georgia Rowe - May 6, 2013

There was a lot of excitement at the San Francisco Symphony Saturday night. But even by this orchestra’s high standards, this was a thrilling, surprising — and even alarming — night.

Jonathan Rhodes Lee - May 5, 2013

Whether singing sacred or secular works, American Bach Soloists always deliver quality to the max.