
Janos Gereben - July 22, 2013

The Danish String Quartet made its West Coast debut at Music@Menlo with a concert of one ravishing performance after another.

Steven Winn - July 21, 2013

Full-on piano artistry from all hands (and there were many) marks Music@Menlo’s initial outing in its summer series.

Janos Gereben - July 16, 2013

Pocket Opera's Merry Wives of Windsor hits all the right notes, it makes a small company shine big.

Jerry Kuderna - July 15, 2013

American Bach Soloists present Heinrich Biber’s rarely performed, 53-section Missa Salisburgensis, raining glory on all the performers.

Benjamin Frandzel - July 15, 2013

In an outstanding concert at the Carmel Bach Festival, Thea Musgrave’s new paean to J.S. Bach was both rich and exciting.

Niels Swinkels - July 14, 2013

What’s better than a wonderful, eclectic evening of chamber music played by faculty members and guest faculty at The Crowden School?

Jonathan Rhodes Lee - July 14, 2013

The American Bach Soloists are, as always, superbly reliably guides into the musical lineage of J.S. Bach.

Janos Gereben - July 14, 2013

The public phase of the 2013 Merola Opera Program has opened in a good new venue, with a brilliant musical production of Benjamin Britten's The Rape of Lucretia.

Jason Victor Serinus - July 5, 2013

The CD set Rappahannock County ponders the question of whether musical and poetic language can effectively communicate both the emotional aftermath of the Civil War and the death of one’s partner from AIDS.

Jason Victor Serinus - June 28, 2013

The incredible sound of the San Francisco Symphony, and the spirit from the musicians, singers, and MTT, combine for the finest sounding West Side Story you are likely to hear.