
David Bratman - November 4, 2013

The Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, under its venerable yet still commanding Principal Conductor Neeme Järvi, played at a full strength of about 70 musicians at Bing Hall.

Jeff Kaliss - November 4, 2013

The S.F. Symphony screened Hitchcock's Vertigo; the restored film was projected in color as the Symphony, conducted by Joshua Gersen, performed the live world premiere of Hermann's score.

Scott Cmiel - November 3, 2013

The Katona Twins Guitar Duo highlighted both the popular and classical roots of the guitar in an unusual and distinctive recital.

Janice Berman - November 3, 2013

The Butterfly Lovers, distinctively Chinese by design and beautiful to look at, reveals the strengths and weaknesses inherent in this east/west mash-up.

Niels Swinkels - October 29, 2013

The Silk Road Ensemble continues to explore multicultural artistic expression, but on occasion it falters with uninspired trifles.

David Bratman - October 28, 2013

Former S.F. Symphony principal David Herbert plays the devil out of a battery of kettledrums, backed by the impressive Symphony Silicon Valley.

Steven Winn - October 27, 2013

A spectacular chamber concert by the Musicians from Marlboro, presented by Cal Performances,  made a gleaming case in point of how fortunate the Bay Area is musically.

David Bratman - October 27, 2013

After some distressing news for the organization, the show goes on at the Peninsula Symphony, in a joint concert with the Masterworks Chorale, directed by Bryan Baker.

Janice Berman - October 27, 2013

Alonzo King Lines Ballet performs two works, one of which is inspired through line, poetry, and writing; all incorporated into the choreography.

Jason Victor Serinus - October 26, 2013

A combined effort from the choruses of San Francisco Opera and Italy’s Teatro di San Carlo di Napoli produces a powerhouse performance of Verdi's Requiem.