
Thomas Busse - November 25, 2013

Volti continues to uncover excellent new music, but its performances, especially of a Britten classic, show that the chorus has room to grow.

Be'eri Moalem - November 25, 2013

The Redwood Symphony amasses large forces for a mixed bill that was mostly effective.

Steven Winn - November 22, 2013

It was altogether fitting that the San Francisco Symphony had all those climate conditions to simulate in Richard Strauss’ An Alpine Symphony this week.

Be'eri Moalem - November 21, 2013

The New Century Chamber Orchestra plays new works and venerable older ones, to reveal connections and contrasts among composer pairs.

Janice Berman - November 19, 2013

The Festival Jérôme Bel demonstrated new ways we can think across the boundaries of artist and non-artist, performer and spectator, in refreshingly fun shows at Stanford.

David Bratman - November 19, 2013

The Danish String Quartet, despite a dark and foreboding program, creates a mood of holy light with its brilliant performance.

Niels Swinkels - November 19, 2013

Amassing to perform Rachmaninov’s Vespers and other sacred works, S.F. Choral Society partners impressively with the Golden Gate Men’s Chorus.

Jamie Apgar - November 18, 2013

Music-lovers accustomed to regarding Mikhail Glinka as the beginning of Russian concert music got a pleasant surprise from the Philharmonia Baroque.

Janice Berman - November 18, 2013

As far as galas go, the one at Ballet San Jose welcoming the new Artistic Director spoke well for the company’s future.

Jason Victor Serinus - November 18, 2013

Its the opera-friendly acoustic of the California Theatre, OSJ's Hansel and Gretel overflows with musical and visual delights, everyone inhabits their role so completely, and with so much relish, that the opera’s smile-filled ending is assured from the very start.