
Steven Winn - February 14, 2017

The highlights, including a rare chaconne by Marin Marais, stuck with you.

Ken Iisaka - February 14, 2017

The French pianist offers surprising insights into works by Ravel and Medtner.

Tysen Dauer - February 13, 2017

Philip Glass’ Orpheus Suite tops a program of musical delights.

Ilana Walder-Biesanz - February 13, 2017

The lighthearted opera packs a serious, newly relevant punch.

Rebecca Wishnia - February 7, 2017

The Kronos Quartet prepares us for the future of music with “Here and Now.”

David Bratman - February 6, 2017

Herbert Blomstedt guides a taut, inspired reading of Beethoven’s masterpiece.

Niels Swinkels - January 31, 2017

The great violinist drained every ounce of emotion from Britten’s Violin Concerto in a triumphant appearance with the Marin Symphony.

Rebecca Wishnia - January 31, 2017

Ensemble Signal shines in a program of recent Steve Reich works that demand precision and verve.

Lisa Hirsch - January 30, 2017

Flat programming and dull arrangements don’t fulfill the promise of the revered ensemble.

Steven Winn - January 30, 2017

Philharmonia Baroque offers a bit of arcane music history along with fine performances of Mozart and Haydn.