
Richard S. Ginell - February 15, 2018

The technology has been updated, but the music is faithful to the original recording.

Janice Berman - February 15, 2018

(Almost) everything is beautiful at the ballet.

Steve Osborn - February 13, 2018

The fifth contender for conductor position shows his style in a program featuring Bernstein’s score for On the Waterfront.

Lisa Hirsch - February 13, 2018

Choreographer KT Nelson and composer Joby Talbot collaborate in a transcendent work inspired by the Compostela pilgrimage route.

Jessica Balik - February 13, 2018

St. Paul Chamber Orchestra and Jonathan Biss commission response pieces to Beethoven’s concertos and Salvatore Sciarrino took the anti-Beethoven role.

Rebecca Wishnia - February 13, 2018

A thought-provoking concert at Mills College presents startling ways of making sounds and music.

David Bratman - February 12, 2018

Soloists are at the fore in Mozart’s Sinfonia Concertante, but the orchestra was at its best in the Stravinsky ballet.

Janos Gereben - February 12, 2018

The conductor laureate brings Wilhelm Stenhammar’s Second Symphony to Davies Hall.

Steven Winn - February 12, 2018

The orchestra shows versatility supporting Isserlis and in a lithe performance of a Haydn symphony.

Scott Cmiel - February 12, 2018

The Serbian guitarist and composer was feted in a concert at S.F. Conservatory of Music, bringing at least one masterpiece to light.