
Jeff Kaliss - January 7, 2015

A cellist heralds in the New Year with two concerts, both of them involving old acquaintances, as well as new music.

Jason Victor Serinus - December 2, 2014

Read an interview with composer and musician Terry Riley. His In C changed the course of modern music, he has spent half a century at the cutting edge of musical exploration, and it is impossible to speak of Riley’s music without referencing his energy and world outlook.

Mark Rudio - November 25, 2014

”They Will Have Been So Beautiful,” Amy X Neuburg, Paul Dresher, and a number of other composers find inspiration in photos of everyday moments.

Jeff Kaliss - November 7, 2014

Curlew River arrives at Zellerbach Hall next weekend. The story of seeking and redemption, set to the music of Benjamin Britten, is also a story of fulfillment for visionary British director Netia Jones.

Mark MacNamara - November 1, 2014

Gilbert and Sullivan get their annual freshening up in the Lamplighters Music Theatre parody show.

Mark Rudio - October 15, 2014

“Digital Debussy,” is part of pianist Kathleen Supové’s "The Exploding Piano" project, an attempt to remake the classical concert experience and everything that goes with it.

Molly Colin - August 26, 2014

The upcoming season at the San Francisco Symphony offers intriguing collaborations and pairings that play off each other.

Jeff Kaliss - August 26, 2014

As San Francisco Opera readies its revival of the most-performed American opera, Susannah, the composer and the opera’s general director reflect on their cherished artistic partnership.

Molly Colin - August 20, 2014

sfSound continues its "small packages" musical series on Aug. 24, showcasing two rarely played 20th-century modern classics, along with five short works commissioned in response to them.

Molly Colin - August 8, 2014

The Three-By-Three concert series are just one of the highlights of the 20th anniversary season of Music In the Vineyards in the Napa Valley.