The Z Programs Chambre Series

Robin Cox Ensemble

Michael Zwiebach on July 5, 2011
Robin Cox Ensemble
Robin Cox Ensemble

We couldn't resist recommending this one. Pamela Z gets it exactly right when she dubs the Room Series she curates as “now infamous.” For readers who missed last month's viola brouhaha, it appears that nontraditional approaches to playing and creating music cause some listeners to become cranky. If you're one of those, then this is a concert to avoid, but if you like the breath of fresh air provided by Pamela and Amy X Neuburg, then you'll want to check in to the Room at the Royce Gallery to hear Los Angeles' Robin Cox Ensemble play music by Neuburg, Pamela, and other Bay Area composers of difference. A tip from Pamela herself: It's O.K. To hang in the lobby outside and come back, if there's a piece you really don't like.