The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, the one-act musical-comedy that won two Tony awards, is set in a suburban Middle School where six zany adolescents compete in a spelling bee, run by three equally-zany grown-ups. The show has become particulary popular because four members of the audience are invited on stage to serve as a foil for the six adolescents. The show has two weeks to go and has been getting terrific reviews.
This is representative: “The show was fantastic! The cast was wonderful and I haven't heard singing like that on stage in a long time. The play itself is very funny and touching but the energy of the actors really brings it to life. Fantastic value and a great time out.”
The show is presented by the Sunnyvale Community Players, which since 1969 has acquired a loyal audience and is widely recognized for putting on top quality shows. One of the best youth theaters around. Don’t miss this.
“The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee,” Nov. 8-16, times vary, Sunnyvale Community Players, Sunnyvale Theatre, 550 E. Remington Drive.