Ivan Ilic, a pianist born in Belgrade, later a resident of Palo Alto, schooled at Berkeley and the S.F. Conservatory of Music, has gone on to graduate studies in Paris, and a career in Europe. He writes to Music News:
I'll be back in the Bay Area from April 24 to May 2, visiting with family. At the moment, I'm doing a big project on Morton Feldman's music, recording For Bunita Marcus and Palais de Mari, both to be released this fall.While I'm in the area, I thought it would be fun to play Palais de Mari a bit in public. Do you know of any places that feature experimental music in a laid-back setting? I'd like to play John Cage's In a Landscape with the Feldman. I'm not looking to make money, this is just for fun. Any help would be appreciated.
Contact him with ideas or offers of a suitable venue through his website.