San Francisco Classical Voice presents
Coast Premiere
A documentary film by Michael Lawrence
Award-winning documentary filmmaker Michael Lawrence has created a gem of a film that celebrates the enduring legacy of J.S. Bach’s music. The star-studded cast of musicians — including Joshua Bell, Bobby McFerrin, Philip Glass, Béla Fleck, Chris Thile, Hilary Hahn, Zuill Bailey, Matt Haimovitz, Edgar Meyer (and many more) — provide personal reflections of the composer’s genius and perform his greatest masterpieces. The result is uplifting and inspirational — a must-see film for anyone who loves music!
Movie Tickets: $20 advance ($25 at the door)
This event is now SOLD OUT. Thank You!
BACH & friends Trailer
Read reviews and comments about Bach & Friends
VIP Wine-tasting Reception 5:30 p.m.
Become an even closer friend of Bach! Come early to taste the outstanding wines of Foggy Bridge, enjoy savory hors d’oeuvres, and participate in a Q/A session with the filmmaker. VIP Tickets: $50 (includes movie).
Help Support SFCV!
proceeds from this event benefit San Francisco
Classical Voice, a not-for-profit Web site devoted to covering the Bay
Area’s vibrant classical music scene and to expanding the audience for
classical music.
Make a donation.

For more information on how you can sponsor this event, contact Patty Gessner.